
Windows equivalent of playbackpro plus
Windows equivalent of playbackpro plus

To give you an idea, let's take a look at the lesson on the root FAC found in Foundations, Book 1. The TE includes weekly Check-Ups (Assessments), a Mid-Term and a Final Assessment, all with answer keys. Additional review and reinforcement comes from the continual use of previous roots, prefixes, and suffixes with new roots. Daily lessons only take about 15 minutes, but the key is they are daily, which allows for built in review and reinforcement. teaching to different learning abilities struggling and accelerated learners) and "objectives" just so you'll know you're looking at a "real" teacher edition but not enough that it confuses. There's a bit of "differentiating instruction" (i.e.

windows equivalent of playbackpro plus

Clearly laid out with ready-to-go, daily, detailed lessons that provide what to teach, when to interact with the Student Activity Book, when/what to discuss, and what to demonstrate with the answers right in the lessons where they're most useful. The Teacher Editions are a study in user-friendliness. This program requires more from the teacher but it gives you all the tools to be effective in your task. Vocabulary has often been in the hand-them-a-book-have-them-do-a-lesson-each-week category. Personally, I think the key is the instructive interaction.

windows equivalent of playbackpro plus

The vocabulary program of choice for Analytical Grammar, it has also received favorable reviews by Cathy Duffy, Janice Campbell and others.

windows equivalent of playbackpro plus

Add in a strong aspect of instructive interaction coupled with games, grids, and squares and it's easy to see why this particular program is getting the attention it is.


WordBuild teaches students how to build words by first thoroughly covering prefixes and suffixes in the Elements portion and then comprehensively examining the common root words in the Foundations portion. Rarely does the name of a program so appropriately describe it.

Windows equivalent of playbackpro plus